That's the ghg*ol [englisch]
The grüne hochschulgruppe * offene liste has currently about 30 members from diverse departments of the university of Bielefeld. Since 1993 we speak up for students' interests. Expectedly, ecology plays an important role. However, we're engaged in a whole lot of other things as well, such as gender equality, self- studying, democratization of the university, abolishment of tuition fees, antifascism, anti-sexism and anti-racism. We take a deliberatly biased stand in favour of students' rights – and against conservative-liberal politics. Basically, we're open to everybody; we don't shun discussions and are looking forward to everyone who is keen on advocating student's interests or wants to join the discussions. Further, we are independent of any political party, so we don't – contrary to other political student organizations - receive any money from them.
During the last years we have attended various committees, the senat, AStA and Students Parliament in order to advocate our green position and in the coming legislation we wish to continue our political activities in these committees. If you take any interest in what we've achieved so far or what our position looks like in detail: Have fun reading the following articles!
